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Event venue - LETŇANY

MBM FOR ARCH 2019 - successful international b2b event by Enterprise Europe Network

The b2b event was held by the members of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), namely at the Centre for regional development of the Czech Republic and the Chamber of crafts in Dresden, assisted by other EEN members, institutions and stakeholders. Full support was provided by ABF, a.s. that is the main organised of the fair itself.


Newly this year, both the morning and the afternoon sessions began with pitch presentation: three German and seven Czech companies that applied for FOR ARCH Grand Prix competition introduced their innovative products and services. The pitch was trilingual – in Czech, German and English.


However, as every year, the main scope of this event remain b2b meetings. Such meetings are hugely popular among business people: in short, it means pre-arranged B2B meetings that are chosen according business profiles previously published in the catalogue of participants. German EEN members brought to the event 13 of their clients. Interpreters assisted meetings between German and Czech companies.


To MBM FOR ARCH 2019 registered 97 companies (13 more in comparison to 2018), 81 of them found a business partner to meet. Non-Czech companies came mostly from Germany (13) but participants from countries like Serbia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey were presented as well. More than 250 formal and many informal meetings were held in one day.

Plan of exhibition area

FOR ARCH 2019 Final Report